Head Instructors
Sam Campanella
3rd Degree Black Belt
Melissa Campanella
1st Degree Black Belt
Gym Location
Nampa, ID
What to know
Professor Sam Campanella is a former college football player who gained interest in BJJ after watching a youtube highlight of Dean Lister. Sam began training BJJ in 2006 and after moving to Bakersfield, CA in 2008 as a blue belt began training under TruJitsu Founder
Professor Matt Baker. Professor Sam received his Black
Belt on March 17, 2015.
Professor Melissa Campanella started training BJJ in 2010 after heavy influence from Professor Jill Baker. Melissa is a fitness fanatic who competes regularly in BJJ and can often times be spotted at a CrossFit gym or outdoors
exploring. Professor Melissa received her Black Belt on
December 5, 2020.

Jiu Jitsu Event Photos
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